Europe Craft Grand Lodges
- Andorra - Grand Lodge of Andorra (English)
- Bulgaria - Обединена велика ложа на България (Grand Lodge of Bulgaria English)
- Cyprus - District Grand Lodge of Cyprus
- Denmark - Den Danske Frimurerorden (Danish)
- England - United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE)
- Estonia - Eesti vabade ja tunnustatut vabamüür suurlož - Grand Lodge of Estonia (Estonian)
- Finland - Suomen Suurloosi - The Grand Lodge of Finland (English)
- France - Grande Loge Nationale Française (French)
- Greece - Μεγάλης Στοάς της Ελλάδος – Grand Lodge of Greece (English/Greek)
- Holland - Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden (Dutch)
- Iceland - Frímúrarareglan á Íslandi - Grand Lodge of Iceland (Icelandic & some English)
- Ireland - Irish Freemasonry on the Worldwide Web
- Lithuania - Lietuvos senųjų laisvųjų ir pripažintųjų mūrininkų Didžiosios Ložės AF&AM (Lithuanian)
- Macedonia - Grand Lodge of Macedonia (English/Macedonian)
- Malta - Sovereign Grand Lodge of Malta AF&AM (English)
- Poland - National Grand Lodge (English) (Polish)
- Portugal - Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal (Portugese)
- San Marino - Gran Loggia della Republica di San Marino (Italian)
- Scotland - Grand Lodge of Scotland
- Serbia - United Grand Lodges of Serbia A.F.& A.M. (English)
- Slovakia - Veľká Lóža Slovenska - Grand Lodge of Slovakia (Slovene)
- Slovenia - Velika Loža Slovenije [Grand Lodge of Slovenia] (English)
- Spain - Gran Logia de España, de Masones Antiguos, Libres, y Aceptados (Spanish)
- Switzerland - Grand Lodge Alpina of Switzerland (English)
- Turkey - The Grand Lodge of The Free and Accepted Masons of Turkey (English)
African Craft Lodges
- Burkina Faso - Grand Lodge of Burkina Faso (no known website)
- Cameroon - St. Andrews Grand Lodge Cameroon (no known website)
- South Africa - Grand Lodge of South Africa (English)
- Nigeria - District Grand Lodge of Nigeria (English)